A program proposed by a group of citizens and building professionals dedicated to making Berkeley’s building code a model of green, non-toxic, sustainable building practices and achieving Berkeley’s Climate Action Goals by inspiring, educating and supporting the Community.
Berkeley Deep Green Building proposes an incentive based program to:
Although ahead of statewide trends, Berkeley is not on track to meet it greenhouse gas reduction goals established under its Climate Action Plan. Berkeley Deep Green Building, if widely adopted, will help the city achieve these goals and other environmental and health benefits.
Building operation contributes close to half of Berkeley GHG emissions, and more than 60% of building energy use is from fossil fuels. Consistent with both the Climate Action Plan and the 2016 Berkeley Resilience Strategy, Berkeley Deep Green Building calls for dramatic improvements in building energy efficiency and a shift to renewable energy sources. With efforts already underway to shift Berkeley’s electricity sources to 100% renewable energy through the pending Alameda County Community Choice Energy program, it is essential that buildings quickly shift from gas+electricity to 100% electric.
The program sets forward a detailed plan to incentivize these practices, and provides guidance on how to prioritize work in a way that best supports climate action goals while avoiding unnecessary use of toxic chemicals. Berkeley Deep Green Building also lays out guidance for comprehensive post-construction performance monitoring and water conservation.
1. Above-code energy efficiency performance standard
2. Prescriptive energy efficiency measures
a. 100% electric—no gas
b. 100% high efficacy lighting
c. Best in class major appliances and equipment
d. Switched outlets
3. State defined ‘solar ready’ plus additional measures, where sufficient solar access exists
4. Cleaner insulation
a. Insulation free of organohalogen flame retardants
b. Low global-warming-potential insulation
5. Pre-remodel BESO assessment of home energy efficiency
6. Post-remodel energy, comfort, and air quality monitoring
7. Use of 100% Forest Stewardship Council (FSC)–certified sustainably harvested wood
8. Water conservation measures
a. 100% extra low flow fixtures and appliances
b. Water permeable paving
c. Water conserving landscape (edible landscaping exempt)
d. Laundry to landscape greywater and greywater ready tub and shower plumbing
1. Energy efficiency performance standard higher than in Level 1
2. Reduced carbon footprint (embodied energy) of building
a. Reduced concrete use (for hardscape and other nonstructural applications)
b. Low carbon footprint concrete
c. Wood in lieu of steel/concrete.
d. Alternative and creative measures to reduce carbon footprint and to support responsible sourcing in a special, flexible category:
i. Salvaged siding and earth finishes
ii. Fair trade/sustainably produced/green and fair labor–certified materials
iii. Other high recycled content, locally sourced/produced and rapidly renewable materials
3. Installed solar photovoltaic (PV) system and/or solar thermal system sufficient to achieve zero net energy for the building, where sufficient solar access exists
4. Reduced toxicity through avoidance of Living Building Challenge Red List chemicals
5. Advanced water conservation measures
a. Operational tub and shower greywater system
b. Operational rainwater collection for non-potable domestic use
Updated: 9.7.16.
A program proposed by a group of citizens and building professionals dedicated to making Berkeley’s building code a model of green, non-toxic, sustainable building practices and achieving Berkeley’s Climate Action Goals by inspiring, educating and supporting the Community.
Berkeley Deep Green Building proposes an incentive based program to:
- Support zero net energy at the individual building and community scale.
- Reduce Embodied Energy in building materials and practices.
- Reduce toxicity in building materials.
- Source sustainably produced materials from fair trade, fair wage and culturally and environmentally sustainable suppliers.
- Conserve Water.
- Incentive based and voluntary in the beginning, with the introduction of mandatory measures at later stages.
- In line with California’s Long Term Energy Efficiency Plan, the program will focus on residential buildings first and extend to non-residential buildings at a later stage.
- Ties into Berkeley’s Climate Action Plan, Title 24, Berkeley's Building Energy Saving Ordinance (BESO), Energy Upgrade California and California Advanced Home Energy Program, to name a few.
- By participating in the program building owners will be eligible for a number of incentives offered currently by the State and the PG&E.
- The program broken into 2 Levels. Level 1 includes high impact sustainability measures and Level 2 measures are more ambitious.
Although ahead of statewide trends, Berkeley is not on track to meet it greenhouse gas reduction goals established under its Climate Action Plan. Berkeley Deep Green Building, if widely adopted, will help the city achieve these goals and other environmental and health benefits.
Building operation contributes close to half of Berkeley GHG emissions, and more than 60% of building energy use is from fossil fuels. Consistent with both the Climate Action Plan and the 2016 Berkeley Resilience Strategy, Berkeley Deep Green Building calls for dramatic improvements in building energy efficiency and a shift to renewable energy sources. With efforts already underway to shift Berkeley’s electricity sources to 100% renewable energy through the pending Alameda County Community Choice Energy program, it is essential that buildings quickly shift from gas+electricity to 100% electric.
The program sets forward a detailed plan to incentivize these practices, and provides guidance on how to prioritize work in a way that best supports climate action goals while avoiding unnecessary use of toxic chemicals. Berkeley Deep Green Building also lays out guidance for comprehensive post-construction performance monitoring and water conservation.
1. Above-code energy efficiency performance standard
2. Prescriptive energy efficiency measures
a. 100% electric—no gas
b. 100% high efficacy lighting
c. Best in class major appliances and equipment
d. Switched outlets
3. State defined ‘solar ready’ plus additional measures, where sufficient solar access exists
4. Cleaner insulation
a. Insulation free of organohalogen flame retardants
b. Low global-warming-potential insulation
5. Pre-remodel BESO assessment of home energy efficiency
6. Post-remodel energy, comfort, and air quality monitoring
7. Use of 100% Forest Stewardship Council (FSC)–certified sustainably harvested wood
8. Water conservation measures
a. 100% extra low flow fixtures and appliances
b. Water permeable paving
c. Water conserving landscape (edible landscaping exempt)
d. Laundry to landscape greywater and greywater ready tub and shower plumbing
1. Energy efficiency performance standard higher than in Level 1
2. Reduced carbon footprint (embodied energy) of building
a. Reduced concrete use (for hardscape and other nonstructural applications)
b. Low carbon footprint concrete
c. Wood in lieu of steel/concrete.
d. Alternative and creative measures to reduce carbon footprint and to support responsible sourcing in a special, flexible category:
i. Salvaged siding and earth finishes
ii. Fair trade/sustainably produced/green and fair labor–certified materials
iii. Other high recycled content, locally sourced/produced and rapidly renewable materials
3. Installed solar photovoltaic (PV) system and/or solar thermal system sufficient to achieve zero net energy for the building, where sufficient solar access exists
4. Reduced toxicity through avoidance of Living Building Challenge Red List chemicals
5. Advanced water conservation measures
a. Operational tub and shower greywater system
b. Operational rainwater collection for non-potable domestic use
Updated: 9.7.16.